Fixed in Database: Activating pickcart in next area bug: Requires three scan. Fixed to one scan [2518]
Fixed in Database: Gator: New features: Pick extra to Order directly from a location and Pick extra to Order from external goodsreception (External CrossDock)) [2507]
Fixed: PickStatistics: Auto adjust columnsizes in data table [2513]
Fixed: Make 2024 splash screen [2505]
Build 2541 - 2024-01-24
Fixed in Database: Pick Statistics : When getting data in year resolution, statistics are grouped in months. Was weeks. [2512]
Fixed in Database: TransactionLog : Limit of 200000 rows when searching [2511]
Fixed: Sharklink NewArticle : bug When setting Tracked serialnumber or BatchNumberRequired. Log when not allowed and ignore, instead og raising an error. [2510]
Fixed: Goodsreception: Bug in changing batchnumber [2508]
Fixed in Database: Floating BatchPick : Bug regarding prompting for tracked serialnumbers and serialnumbers in goodsreception. [2509]
Fixed: Dispatcher should use Registry.peek to read certain client specific values like COntrolModules from Registry [2504]
Fixed in Database: Gator: Move Container: Improved check on empty Container moved with response to user. [2503]
Fixed in Database: OrderRelease : Don’t show transactions picked with Qty = 0 (made from 0-location adjustments) [2501]
Fixed in Database: Inventory : Closing an Inventory checks in DB for being already closed from other workstation. [2500]
Fixed in Database: ManualTransactions Adjust & Store: Log Itemcount to a maximum of 4 decimals in transactionlog [2499]
Fixed in Database: MoveContainer : Set PositionDate [2498]
Build 2540 - 2023-12-21
Fixed in Database: Register serialnumber: Take into account, that an untracked serialnumber can be pre-sendt on multiple orderlines. [2494]
Fixed in Database: Gator: Error when trying to pick, when not logged into a workgroup. [2493]
Fixed: If a user is not correctly logged in casting error might occur in Gator [2492]
Fixed: If casting exception is thrown the stored procedure is not closed correctly [2491]
Fixed: The restart of the webserver applications does not work [2489]
Build 2539 - 2023-11-27
Fixed: Gator Consolidation: Also possible to Scan Carrier instead of dropdown. [2488]
Build 2537 - 2023-11-26
Fixed in Database: Consolidation Updates [2487]
Build 2536 - 2023-11-23
Fixed: Gator Inventory: Extra settings for showing or hiding fields. [2486]
Fixed: Tray Editor Bug: Add location fails when in an Aisle [2485]
Fixed: OrderEditor: Time not shown on combobox dates bug. [2482]
Build enki - 2023-10-27
New: Support in Order Selection to disallow goods reception if not already done. To prevent replace an already done goods reception. [2480]
New: Shark Link: Creating a missing article should not be logged as an error [2479]
Fixed in Database: Job_Statistics default scheduler job renamed to Job_ServiceTaskOnPremis. [2477]
Fixed: The Document System getMultiplePorts function is limited to 50 characters of port names [2476]
Fixed: REST API: Specifying package sizes for master data might fail with returning an error response to the caller [2475]
Fixed: The installer program should install to AppData\local instead of AppData\Roaming [2474]
Build master_2023.2531 - 2023-10-11
Fixed in Database: FloatingBatchPick_PickIncrease : Bug when multiple batches on same lokation fixed [2470]
Fixed: Date Combo Boxes: None and Today buttons now visible in TransactionLog, SystemLog, Document Manager, Storage Manager, Pick Statistics, Order Editor: [2469]
Fixed: Improve the initial database connection test for on-premise installations [2467]
Build master_2023.2530 - 2023-10-04
Fixed: Consolidation: Enabled flag on Logisticunits [2466]
Fixed: getAvailableQty calling sp ItemHandler_GetAvailableQty not used anymore [2465]
Build 2529 - 2023-10-02
Fixed: Goods Reception scripting: onQtyDialogEnter not working. [2464]
New: Order Selection: Refresh orders from th server, when the window is opened. [2462]
Fixed in Database: FloatingBatchPick_PickDecrease : Minor bug regarding batchnumbers fixed [2460]
Fixed in Database: Document_StockReport: Minor bug change regarding confimmode [2459]
Build master_2023.2528 - 2023-09-12
Fixed in Database: Delete BoxType must also delete Location Quantities for that BoxType [2457]
Fixed in Database: Boxtypes: InUse not shown correct. [2455]
Fixed: Manual Orders bug: Article selection window too small. [2456]
Build 2527 - 2023-08-30
Fixed: Document_MakeErrorReport : Don’t make document when registry flag not enabled [2453]
Fixed: Gator: Consolidation added price [2452]
Fixed: Consolidation bug: Order selection window too small. [2451]
Build 2526 - 2023-08-17
Fixed: Goods Reception not implemented script function when opening the QtyBatch editor [2450]
Fixed: Misc. SONAR cleanup [2449]
Fixed: Enabling untrusted https/SSL for on premise installations only [2447]
Fixed: Misc. SONAR related changes(vsc) [2446]
Fixed: Gator: Move Locations. Now shows Article name [2443]
Fixed: Gator: Decimal issues in some browsers: Removed type=number from Qty fields [2439]
Build 2525 - 2023-07-27
New: Change the Document System polling to lower number of database calls. [2437]
Build 2523 - 2023-07-27
Fixed: Fix issues with the Document Viewer related to default window size and support for multiple selection of documents. [2440]
New: Script Editor: Support for using external editor by auto reload of file when changed on disk [2441]
New: Do not allow the operator to change a predefined batch number in goods reception as default. If it is changed, it must use the number entered by the operator, [2436]
Fixed: Table-function [ft_SharkDates]: Now uses ISO_WEEK, hence monday is first day of week [2438]
New: Make the Log4J Setup aware of different class path separators on Windows and Linux/Mac. [2435]
Build 2522 - 2023-07-24
New: Add check of folder access for Shark Link File Importers [2425]
Fixed: Support for Shark Control scripts stored in the database [2418]
New: SHARK WCS: Improvements to the AGV drivers [2433]
Fixed: Document System - FTP Receiver: Fixes for new library and better error handling [2432]
New: Add missing parameters to the Logimat Driver Configuration panel for the Logimat Omron6 version [2431]
New: Improve logging for the Omron FINS protocol for better trouble shooting [2429]
New: Improving supports for qty units [2428]
New: SHARK WCS: Improvements to the Sequencer supporting scripts stored in the database and better UI. [2427]
Fixed: The Registry logs to the database running in no-database mode and it is not possible to open an empty registry file. [2426]
Build 2521 - 2023-07-07
Fixed: dbo.OrderHandler_HandleOrderAcknowledgeJob references an missing function [2423]
Fixed in Database: Gator: BatchPick adjust pick. Bug fix when Batchnumber product with other locations [2422]
Fixed: Bug in TabbedOrderRelease: Workplaner opened when null [2421]
Fixed in Database: Goodsrecpetion : OrderState telegram made when items are received for the 1. time on an order [2416]
Fixed in Database: Orderrelease : Show status: Backorder(OK) again [2415]
Build 2520 - 2023-06-09
Fixed: Remove use of client logging to server [2412]
Fixed: Remove Java 8 from client cloud installation [2413]
Build 2519 - 2023-05-16
Fixed: XML Importer: Part lists are not imported correctly [2410]
Fixed: Manual Transaction Configuration: Config value to Enable Reason codes added [2409]
Fixed: Gator - Consumption : Better error messages when not enough on location [2394]
Fixed in Database: Job Rerelase Partly Released orders: Can now re-release partly. [2397]
Fixed in Database: Goodsreception Bug: Only get orderlines in status waiting or partly [2396]
Fixed: Goodsreception: GS1 128 improvments [2393]
Build 2517 - 2023-05-02
Fixed: SQL Compare fails if database in git and previous database are identical [2392]
Fixed: Operators cannot open Order Release [2391]
Build 2516 - 2023-04-30
Fixed: Performance problems with storage manager stored procedures [2390]
Fixed: Disable WorkPlanner stored procedures until performace issues have been solved [2389]
New: Improve and fix the quick store functionality in Floating Batch Pick. Allows for put-away of articles without orders using replenishment information. [2387]
Fixed: Gator - Movelist : new filter function - Consumption : new feature [2386]
Fixed: Goodsreception - Display issue of remaining Qty, when location Qty is not set, bug. [2385]
Build 2515 - 2023-04-04
New: Scripting support for Order Release [2384]
Fixed: The Document System has a problem writing XSLT transformed file generating text output in other encodings than UTF-8 [2383]
Fixed in Database: AcceptTransaction on Alternative location: QIOrderID not handled. [2382]
Fixed in Database: Gator: Start putaway box not working, when other boxes on order are on Pickcart [2381]
Build 2512 - 2023-01-23
New: Support for calculation between internal stock keeping units and units received from host systems. Eg. receive quantity in kg, but the stock unit is g. [2378]
Fixed: Fixing Java 11+ compliance for VODOOTool [2379]
New: Increase the maximum size of labels printed via the Shark Control Web Socket Printer [2376]
Fixed: Labelprint: null pointer exception if printingcontext not configured, when testing for Jasper Print. [2374]
Fixed: Issue with the quick correction in floating batch pick [2373]
Fixed: Problem with configuration of wild card searching [2372]
Build 2511 - 2023-01-11
Fixed: Development SQL Server have changed from win10sql to devsql [2371]
Fixed in Database: Orderrelease: FIFO pick: now looks at article default strategy, when no Replenishment for zone with stock, before Master default strategy. [2370]
Fixed in Database: Inventory Recount bug [2369]
Fixed in Database: Inventory: Check Counted qty is 0 on empty locations [2368]
Fixed in Database: TransactionHandler_AcceptTransaction: Cleanup BatchID when Fixed locations are emptied [2367]
Fixed in Database: Manual transactions Store & Adjust: Cleanup BatchID when Fixed locations are emptied [2366]
Fixed in Database: Inventory: Bug not showing Empty locations fixed [2365]
New: WCS: The LogimatOmron6 modules has poor error logs when the configuration is wrong [2364]
Build 2510 - 2022-12-28
Fixed: Fix Twin support for the CompactLift using CompactTalk Version 3 [2363]
Fixed: Synthetica look and feel scaling does not work correctly for HDPI monitors [2334]
Fixed: GS1/EAN128 handling doese not work correctly in all situations [2361]
Fixed in Database: SharkLink_NewOrder: Keep Priority, when express [2359]
Fixed in Database: [Job_ArchiveOrders] Archive orders without confirmmode [2358]
Fixed in Database: GS1_Parse improved to handle GS delimiter [2357]
Fixed in Database: FloatingBatchPick adjustments: Bug fixes when adjusting to 0 [2356]
Fixed: ConnectionPool in RPCHandler should use ReentrantLock in stead of [2355]
Build 2509 - 2022-12-14
Fixed in Database: New Tools procedure to test for broker configuration [2353]
Fixed: The Transaction trigger [dbo].[tr_Transactions_U_1] should update the OrderLine CountDelivered [2354]
Build 2508 - 2022-12-14
Fixed: Gator logging should be extended [2352]
Fixed in Database: Manualtransactions search: Prevent finding all products with empty AlternativeItemNumber1 [2351]
Fixed in Database: Inventory : [Inventory_CreateOrders_For_SharkLink_To_Report] reportes total saldo /item [2350]
Build 2505 - 2022-12-08
Fixed: The RPCHandler sometimes mess up the default values for a stored procedures [2344]
Build 2504 - 2022-12-07
Fixed: OrderReleaseSettingsPanel and WorkPlannerSettingsPanel should check for min refresh interval before setting spinners [2347]
Fixed: Comments on triggers for the dbo.OrderAcknowledgeData table [2346]
Fixed: Bug in PickCartRegistration after ui update [2345]
Build 2503 - 2022-12-06
Fixed: Enabled menus in initial Registry data file should be cleaned up [2339]
Fixed: Enumerated_GetPickcarts was hardcoded to a false spelled name [2343]
Fixed: Dialogs should be adapted to high DPI settings of Syntehtica [2342]
Fixed: Order Release & Work Planner settings should beware of backwards compatibility with update intervals in ms [2341]
Build 2502 - 2022-12-01
Fixed: Update timers for OrderReleaseView and WorkPlanner does not work correctly. [2340]
New: PropertyDialog should respond to ESC for closing dialog [2338]
Build 2501 - 2022-11-30
New: Add support for onTimer function for Floating Batch Pick script extension [2336]
Fixed: Misc. Installer cleanup [2337]
Fixed: RPC Handler does not handle database with named instances correctly with new MSSQL JDBC driver [2335]
Fixed: Manualtransactions: Store- focus set to QTY after search unless empty location and require batchnumber [2332]
New: REST API compatible with Java 11 [2331]
Fixed: Add global sleep method to embed Exception handling of the sleep Thread.method [2330]
Fixed: Remove GeneralInfo masterpanel class, as it is not used anymore [2329]
Fixed: The Websocket/RawPrinterConnector interface sometimes miss a label [2328]
Build 2500 - 2022-11-22
New: Shark Control TCP/IP printing - add support for printer status check using SNMP [2327]
Build 2499 - 2022-11-17
New: Add support for inserting print delays using the Shark Control WebSocket printer [2326]
Build 2498 - 2022-11-17
Fixed: Make the Shark Control Websocket Printer thread safe (issue with missing labels) [2325]
Fixed: Goodsreception: Shown orderline pop-up dialog is default set to True. [2322]
Fixed: Ordertype names in NO reviewed [2320]
New: Update configuration and script for the Delivery Management System nShift (Cloud version). [2319]
New: Add groovy access to json text encoding in the Scheduler. [2318]
Build 2497 - 2022-11-09
Fixed: The WebSocket printer interface may some times print duplicated labels [2317]
Build 2496 - 2022-11-08
Fixed: Document_MakeOrderAcknowledge should be called from a broker queue and not from trigger [2316]
Fixed: Orders should be archived on a scheduled basis [2315]
Fixed: DatabaseChecker should be removed from UI [2313]
Build 2494 - 2022-10-31
Fixed: Rollback temporary to Java 8 to fix Jetty issues [2311]
Fixed in Database: FloatingBatchPick_PickDecrease - Minor Bug fixed when setting corrected [2309]
Fixed in Database: Performance/deadlock improvements [2308]
Fixed: Gator - GS1 barcode can confirm Itemnumber / Qty in Batchpick Window. [2307]
Fixed: REST API: There is a database mismatch with the Quality Inspection flag. [2306]
Fixed: SystemLog and ActiveSession tables should be removed [2305]
Fixed in Database: New Tools_xxx storedprocedures [2304]
Fixed: Remove shark_dirwatch project [2300]
Fixed: gator_service driver should be updated to use Java 11 include files [2301]
Fixed: FloatingBatchPick: adding GS1 support for scanning of itemnumbers [2303]
Fixed in Database: Table [TrayTemplate] - Trigger added, that logs modifications in errorlog (Number: 50555) [2298]
Build 2493 - 2022-10-04
Fixed in Database: Goodsreception: GS1 barcodes not passed correct. [2296]
Fixed in Database: Locationaddress - Now possible to hide Tray from locationaddress [2297]
Fixed in Database: Job_OrderRelease : Re-release not working for orders that can be partly picked again. [2294]
Fixed in Database: Inventory reporting bug2: Added transactions to Orderlines. Hence creating XML document when Reporting counted sets values correct. [2293]
Fixed: RPC REST handler not able to handle sp requests with a variable amount of columns [2287]
Fixed: Updated version of InfoHTML.xsl [2291]
New: Add Service Installer function to SHARK WCS [2290]
Build 2492 - 2022-09-26
New: Update SHARK WCS to use Java 11 [2288]
Build 2491 - 2022-09-24
Fixed in Database: Inventory reporting bug: Added transactions to Orderlines. Hence creating XML document when Reporting counted sets values correct. [2286]
Fixed in Database: [FloatingBatchPick_PutAwayChanges] bug: @Debug flag default set to On. Now set to Off [2285]
Build 2490 - 2022-09-20
Fixed in Database: Reprint box label - Prints wrong box bug [2282]
Fixed in Database: Crossdock - Boxnumber bug fixed. [2281]
Fixed in Database: Document_StockReport : Tracked Serialnumbers added [2280]
Fixed: New orders created in the order editor should never be allowed to have any status other than 2 or 5 [2278]
Fixed: Order set to status 101 will be changed to status 1 by [dbo].[CheckOrderStatus] and thus archived [2279]
New: CommandPrefix should never be allowed to be empty on the Distpatch server [2275]
Fixed in Database: SerialNumbers - Reviewing and bug fixes [2274]
Fixed in Database: Gator - Bug. Error shown when starting Putaway box twice. Now just ignored [2273]
Fixed in Database: Stockreport - bug [2272]
Fixed in Database: Gator- Printing new uses Printer context, not Workstation context. [2271]
Fixed: Bug: Article editor, when has RequireSerialnumber set [2270]
Build 2489 - 2022-09-02
Fixed: Imported libraries should be updated due to security issues (master build.gradle) [2267]
Fixed: Removal of System.out.println [2269]
Fixed: Cache filter added to gator_mobile in order tp prevent caching of .nocache.js code [2268]
Build 2487 - 2022-09-01
Fixed: Gator Mobile should be migrated to GWT 2.10.0 [2262]
Build 2486 - 2022-08-30
Fixed: Adding a servlet filter to prevent caching of *.nocache.js files of gwt [2266]
Build 2485 - 2022-08-30
Fixed: shark-client-install.suf should be updated to log4j2-2.18.0 [2265]
Fixed: Floatingbacthpick: Bug fix - Workingorders tab not cleared when empty. [2264]
Build 2484 - 2022-08-23
Fixed in Database: Registry operations from Gator Mobile does not work correctly [2263]
Fixed in Database: Gator MoveList: ABC data default not on the list. [2261]
Fixed in Database: Item: New feature: Mark items that are for reservations [2260]
Fixed: Removal of all JIDE use and references [2240]
Fixed in Database: Job_Backup: New feature. @BackupFile auto created when value = ‘Auto’ [2259]
Fixed in Database: Start ExpressOrders with box assignment bug. [2258]
Build 2483 - 2022-08-19
Fixed: Box number length alignment( default length =8) and added to configuration panels. [2257]
Fixed: OrderRegistration in BatchPick: Bug fix and improvements [2256]
New: The crosses marking the location with stock in the TrayView extends the box bounds [2255]
Build 2482 - 2022-08-18
Fixed: Sometimes the Registry is not read completely (or at all) causing tea applications to write default values back to the registry [2243]
Fixed: Floating batch Pick window sets Registry to use unsupported scripting feature [2254]
Build 2481 - 2022-08-17
Fixed: Due to deprecation of type construction like new Double, new Long, new String etc. these should be converted [2252]
Build 2479 - 2022-08-16
Fixed: jTDS driver should be removed and replaced completely with MSQL drivers [2251]
Build 2478 - 2022-08-15
Fixed: Jenkinsfile for the buuild process must be updated to use new Groovy path [2250]
Fixed: Stored procedure OrderRelease_OrderConsolidated was overwritten with OrderHandler_UpdateOrderline int the file for OrderRelease_OrderConsolidated [2248]
Fixed: Compatibility mode for compilations should be set to Java 11 [2245]
Fixed: Connection timeout should be increased [2246]
Fixed: A txt based log appender should be added to the default log4j2.xml config file [2244]
Fixed: Label changed: [Update Trays] to [Read Trays from PLC] [2242]
Fixed in Database: Bug: Stockreport returns AlternativeItemnumber1. Changed to Itemnumber [2241]
Fixed: Problem with Strings in the Regsitry class if Scripting is enabled. [2239]
New: Make CompactLift work for Cloud installations [2237]
Fixed: Remove the JIDE Wizard to make it compatible with Synthetica 3 [2236]
Fixed: Update Synthetica to V3 [2234]
Fixed: The pick cart panel in Order Release should be updated when required. [2233]
Fixed: The Order Editor shows wrong Item Status for orders found in the archive. It will generate an error when trying to edit the order. [2232]
Fixed: Calculate volumen correctly in the Article Browser [2231]
New: Support for naming the misc fields for the Goods Reception window [2230]
Fixed: ManualTransactionConfiguration: Bug in Registry path [2229]
Build 2476 - 2022-06-27
New: Add units to Article Editor dimensions [2228]
New: REST API: Set DocumentID and NextID to 0 instead of null in WebHook call. [2227]
Build 2475 - 2022-06-22
Fixed: REST API: The misc fields are only defined as max length 50 characters, should be 255. [2226]
Fixed: The init login presenter should always use lower case for the installation id [2225]
Fixed in Database: [OrderHandler_RegisterSerialNumbers]: can handle scanning of serialno. importet on putawayorders [2126]
Fixed: TrayAccess bug fix: Can’t save changes in values. [2124]
New: Better WatchDog functionality for the Scheduler improving automatic restart [2123]
Build 2450 - 2022-01-20
New: Support for flow rack and AGV pick front zones using the PC client Order Picking Window without defining a simulated automat. [2122]
Fixed in Database: Login problem due to missing Registry Entry (PasswordsEncrypted) [2120]
Build 2449 - 2022-01-18
New in Database: Fixes some basic issues with the new Production Manager. [2117]
New: Add support for the extended zone types to the user interface. (AGV pick front, quality inspection, pallets, scrap). [2116]
Build der - 2022-01-17
New: Added script snippet for SAP handling of inventory files (VMINVE) [2112]
Fixed in Database: SHARK Link: The stored procedure Document_InsertDocument has not shark execute rights. [2111]
Build 2448 - 2022-01-11
Fixed: Logo/splash/copyright updates to 2022 [2110]
Fixed: The new 2439 version cannot login if the installation previous had SHARK Application.Config.PasswordAsByteString set to false [2097]
Fixed: Log4J2 must be bumped to 2.17.1 [2109]
Build 2447 - 2022-01-10
Fixed in Database: [Replenishment_GetLocationQuantities] & [Replenishment_UpdateLocationQuantity]: Added UserID and Workstationname as parameters [2108]
New in Database: Article Editor: It is now possible to modify the Batch date from the Article Editor. [2107]
Fixed in Database: Goodsreception: New batchdate on existing Batchnumber [2105]
Fixed in Database: TraySetup_GetAssignedTrays: bug when trays in a module has mixed ABC levels. Will then try to remove tray from module. [2106]
Fixed in Database: New Cyclecount must choose locations not active on other cyclecount [2104]
New in Database: LocationType: Added 2 new Location Types - quarantine and scrap. [2102]
Fixed in Database: OrderRelease_GetOrders_Workgroup: Performance improvement [2101]
New in Database: OrderHandler_OrderCleanup: Clean up Inventory Orders and Pick orders older than 18 months [2100]
New: Add setting the “show-count” parameter to the PDA configuration menu. [2098]
Build 2440 - 2021-12-22
Fixed in Database: Stock counting acknowledge should default be reported as normal order acknowledge with OrderTypeID=18 [2096]
Fixed in Database: Reporting Inventory Lists without a name for the counting list will generate acknowledge orders without an order number. In that case, set the order number to the inventory ID. [2095]
Build 2436 - 2021-12-20
Fixed: Due to CVE-2021-45105 Log4J2 must be bumped to version 2.17.0 [2094]
Fixed: RPC Handler using REST sometimes run in to a wild authentication loop [2056]
Build 2435 - 2021-12-16
Fixed: The passwordAsByteString flag must be readded to the from Registry [2093]
Build 2434 - 2021-12-15
Fixed: shark-client-install.suf must be update to link new Log4J 2.16.0 files [2092]
Fixed: Description of Log4Shell problem [2091]
Fixed: Log4J2 version 2.15.0 does not solve all Log4Shell issues. Must update to 2.16.0 [2090]
Fixed in Database: Bug in [dbo].[FloatingBatchPick_PickDecrease], when more transactions on orderline. [2089]
Fixed in Database: Tools_ListObjectModifiedDate: improved help for SysCustomization [2088]
Fixed in Database: Crossdock bug, nested SP calls not allowed fixed [2087]
Build 2431 - 2021-12-13
Fixed: The Shark Installer uses obsolete Log4J libraries [2086]
Build 2430 - 2021-12-13
Fixed: Due to the Log4J2 CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability Log4J2 must me updated to at least version 2.15.0 [2085]
Build 2429 - 2021-12-13
Fixed: VOToXML uses info logging embedded in a isDebugEnabled call [2080]
Fixed: Loggly http appender should be removed from defauæt log4j file [2081]
Fixed: SharkWebserver: Restart main webserver via registry not working [2079]
Fixed: TransactionValidator: PickByLight button sends Position (or TransactionID??): that will now confirm Box [2078]
Fixed: TransactionsHandlingControllerDispatcherUse: Try catch around printOrderLabel [2077]
Fixed: Registry: Peek function can handle more than one row returned from DB [2076]
Fixed in Database: OrderRelease_OrderConsolidated: Bug updating boxID on transactions fixed [2075]
Fixed in Database: [OrderHandler_GetPositionLocations]: Missing columns to match PositionLocationVO [2074]
Fixed: Shark Scheduler: Bug arguments instance not working. [2070]
Build 2428 - 2021-11-11
Fixed in Database: New SP for test/debug: [dbo].[OrderSelection_ReopenOrder] & [dbo].[OrderHandler_RestoreOrderFromArchive] [2069]
Fixed in Database: [dbo].[WorkStations_SendAlive]: BEGIN -END added [2068]
Fixed in Database: [dbo].[TransactionHandler_CheckOrderStatus2]: Test if order is already archived [2067]
Fixed in Database: [dbo].[SharkLink_GetStockReport]: two extra columns added [2066]
Fixed in Database: [dbo].[Orderhandler_FindOrder_OrderNumber]: Union to order_archive added [2065]
Fixed in Database: [dbo].[OrderHandler_ArchiveOrder]: Bug fixed, putting same box into dbo.Boxes_Archive multiple times [2064]
Fixed in Database: tr_Order_Acknowledge: Only fire, when OrderstatusID comes from other than 1 (ok) [2063]
Fixed in Database: [dbo].[Inventory_CreateOrders_For_SharkLink_To_Report]: Group by bug fix [2062]
Fixed in Database: [dbo].[GoodsReceptionHandler_GetOrder]: Performance inmprovement [2061]
Fixed: Dispatcher should always use hex encoding/decoding when sending confirmation values [2055]
Fixed: Passwords should always be encrypted and use byte strings [2054]
Build 2425 - 2021-10-21
Fixed: Alternative location are not handled very well [2049]
Build issue_2046_2021.2418 - 2021-10-14
Fixed: shark_installer needs to be restarted several times (3) after an update [2046]
Build 2407 - 2021-10-06
New: REST API: Add support for customised reports. Extract data from database views. Compatible with Excel. [2033]
Build 2406 - 2021-10-06
Fixed in Database: SharkLink new article: When requireBatchNo changes, then remove or add dummy batchnumber on locations, if allowed. [2045]
Fixed in Database: Consolidation: Colli types editor. New colli types can be created in the shipment and consolidation window. [2044]
Build 2405 - 2021-10-01
Fixed: SharkControl / Gator: Add MobileRack Close command. [2043]
Build 2403 - 2021-10-01
Fixed: FLoatingBatchPick Adjustdialog bug: To many Listneres on btnOK. [2042]
Fixed: Consolidation Configuration: Minor adjustment. [2038]
Build 2402 - 2021-09-24
Fixed: Consolidation: Delivery Management System adjustments #2 [2037]
Build 2401 - 2021-09-22
Fixed in Database: Consolidation: Delivery Management System adjustments. [2036]
Fixed: Watchdog spelled two ways in registry: WatchDog and Watchdog. Fixed to one way: Watchdog [2035]
Fixed: Script editor: can now see XSLT [2034]
Fixed in Database: Update AllocationsSequencePick, when changing Buffer on locations [2032]
Fixed in Database: Re-arrange joins to prevent deadlock [2031]
Build 2400 - 2021-09-09
Fixed: Dispatcher/HTTPConnection and RPCHandler both use configuration of HTTPS which might fail [2030]
Fixed: Adding @Before method to RegistryTestMemory to cleanup before each test [2029]
Build 2399 - 2021-09-08
Fixed: Registry does not set cache when adding new values. [2028]
Fixed: Registry is not cached [2027]
Fixed in Database: Bug fixes for Custom Fields (database changes) [2026]
New in Database: Support for custom fields in orders [2025]
Fixed: Missing Groovy extension calls in Consolidation fixed [2024]
New: Replace the use of Foxit Printer with Java code in the Document System [770]
Fixed in Database: Cleanup of FloatingBatchPick_AdjustLocation [2022]
Fixed: Shark Control: SSI Mobile Rack status telegrams are not interpreted correctly [2021]
Fixed: Issues with the Hänel LeanLift configuration. IP address cannot be set and PLC type wrong in the database. [2014]
Fixed in Database: Stored Procedure [Orderhandler_FindOrder_OrderNumber_DeliveryNoteNumber_OrderTypeID] does not check for orders in the new order_achieve. [2020]
Build 2395 - 2021-08-25
New: Driver for SSI Mobile Rack [1543]
Fixed in Database: Gator: Support for MobileRack [2019]
Fixed in Database: ManualTransactions_MoveItem: Support for move with BatchNumber [2018]
Build 2394 - 2021-08-23
Fixed: Support for changing LookAndFeel [2017]
Fixed in Database: SharkLink_ReactivateOrder: !Major Bug @OrderId not used in SQL, hence will do it on all orders! [2016]
Fixed in Database: Gator: Added GS1 barcode goodscrepception [2015]
Fixed: ListViewManager bug. Opening to many Listeners. And other bug in OrderSelection with re-creating tables when ListViewManager was used. [2002]
Fixed in Database: ConsolidationHandler_GetOrder: check if search input is an order before check for itemnumber. [2013]
Fixed in Database: Bug in sp: [Zones_SaveZone] [2012]
New: Use the new KBS PickTermFlexible4 module for pick carts [2011]
New: Restore support for Web Server restart by using Registry Peeks [2010]
Build 2392 - 2021-07-21
Fixed: Document System - Groovy Port: The slogger object has not been set when the script is called. [1235]
Fixed: The Document System fails if the port specifies an undefined Receiver - Also if a receiver is not required. [1804]
Fixed: Scheduler: Use the Registry peek function instead of a complete registry refresh, to reduce database load [2008]
New: Shark Link: Add default setup for SAP integration [2009]
New in Database: Improve Scheduler recovery from bad network conditions. The Scheduler will force a shutdown after network blocking. [2007]
Fixed: Add peek method to the Registry class to enable access to single values ignoring cached values [2006]
Build 2391 - 2021-07-14
Fixed: getSubLevels & getSubKeys of the Registry class should be protected by the lock(ReentrantLock) also [2005]
Fixed in Database: TransactionHandler_AcceptTransaction: Missing return statement, when alternative location not found [2004]
Fixed in Database: Non-Dispatcher, not able to show Batchnumbers bug. [2003]
Fixed: Dispatcher: Bug, can not use [Accept All] when article has Batchnumber [2001]
Fixed: FloatingBatchpick: NOT Dispatcher version: Can now catch serialnumbers in normal picks and multiline confirm picks (consolidatedPicks) [2000]
Fixed: GroovyDefault: DefaultConsolidationExtensionScript bug. Must use class ConsolidationLogisticUnit [1999]
Fixed: TransactionsHandlingWindow: RelatedGap changed to Minimum to make data fill less on small screens [1998]
Fixed: RReport: Local pagenumber on subpages in Master-Detail reports, removed. Each page has a Global pagenumber [1996]
Fixed: passwordAsByteString default to True [1995]
Fixed in Database: Missing PLC types added [1994]
Fixed: Goodsreception: Bug: Box not set on Position when entered. [1993]
Fixed: Gator: Info_Lookup: Data left aligned [1992]
New: Shark Control: Improved KBS PicktermFlexible module (PickTermFlexible4) [1989]
Build 2390 - 2021-06-29
Fixed: RPCHandler REST system does not handle database errors returned in message string correctly [1991]
Fixed: The Registry class has an error when using log4j with TRACE enabled [1990]
Fixed: RPCDBResponseException: Temp. fix to issue with Message not set [1988]
Fixed in Database: OrderRelease_GetOrders_Workgroup: Must show manual orders, that was wrongly removed [1986]
Fixed in Database: Unused SP: [dbo].[GoodsReceptionHandler_CloseOrder] [1985]
Fixed in Database: Updating ModuleMask in misc. Storedprocedures [1984]
Fixed in Database: Improvement in Replenishment from Pallet to Logimat’ [1983]
Fixed in Database: OrderSelection_AssignBox: Looks at Registry for Boxnumber lenght and Boxprefix [1982]
Fixed: Article Editor: Locations: BatchDate now in Short date format [1981]
Fixed: ManualTransaction Bug: Possible to Store Batch Article without article search before. [1980]
Fixed in Database: Bug: Do not show manual orders in OrderRelease window [1979]
Fixed in Database: Dispatcher: TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SNAPSHOT removed [1958]
Fixed in Database: OrderRelease: Performance improvement in OrderRelease_GetTransactions [1978]
Fixed: Gator config & Batch Order Picking panel, : Bug in Acceptmask bitmask configuration. [1977]
Build 2389 - 2021-06-17
Fixed in Database: Gator: Movelist, minor bug made yesterday, fixed again. [1976]
Fixed in Database: Manualtransactions: UseOwner_in_DB_Call default True [1975]
Fixed: Gatore: Goodsreception Menu default enabled [1974]
Fixed in Database: [Job_OrderRelease]: Calls [Job_RerelasePartlyReleasedNotStarted] when ‘Auto ReRelease’ is true [1973]
Fixed: Databrowser: Default location view fixed and QI list has own name now. [1972]
Build 2388 - 2021-06-17
Fixed: Add support for Batch number scanning without storage [1970]
Fixed in Database: ManualTransactions_Adjust: Bug fixed when using items with and without Owner [1971]
Fixed in Database: 3 SP not in use droped: OrderRelease_GetOrders… but the workgroup version kept. [1969]
Fixed: Pickcat Reg.: Show workgroup dropdown default true [1968]
Fixed in Database: Tools_UpdateLocationSequences: Sets Automats locations to AllocationSequencePick = 2, if set to other and Pallet locations set to 4, if set to 2 [1967]
Fixed in Database: GoodsReceptionHandler_GetNextBox do not use Picklist table anymore. OrderSelection_AssignBox checks for existing box [1966]
Fixed in Database: Union ALL in [ManualTransactions_getMoveItemList] [1965]
Fixed in Database: Mulitline bug in [GoodsReceptionHandler_GetOrderlines] regarding Reservations fixed [1964]
Fixed: Web Start jnlp file must include shark_task.jar [963]
Build 2387 - 2021-06-15
Fixed: Workstaion config: Problems with showing Gate dropdown fixed [1961]
Build 2385 - 2021-06-15
Fixed in Database: System_RegisterModuleController: When setting a workstation as controller for a module, then remove other WS from that module [1960]
Fixed in Database: Dispatcher: Removed ETA & state from Workqueue table, Removed WQ trigger on Tray [1959]
Fixed in Database: TransactionHandler_GetDispatchData_Std_WQ: Look at QIOrderID in order to run at QI Putaway on locked location. [1957]
Fixed in Database: Creating_replenOrder: Calc next ordernumber changed. Old version could give duplicate orderNo. [1956]
Fixed: Orderselection: Missing Misc1..Misc10 in SP [1953]
Fixed: Restore: f_ComputePickQuantity_2 [1955]
Fixed in Database: [Orderhandler_FindOrder_OrderID] missing column InArchive and must also look into Order_Archive [1954]
Fixed: Queries involving order related archive tables should use ‘UNION ALL’ instead of ‘UNION’ [1952]
Fixed: DocumentManager: Wrong row selected when using Right Mouse Button [1951]
Build 2384 - 2021-06-04
Fixed: ManualOrders: Wrong TemplateName for Script: must be: DefaultManualOrdersExtensionScript [1950]
Fixed: BatchPick: Boxchange not allowed on Store [1949]
Fixed in Database: Trigger on Registry should not modify zonecontrollers. [1948]
New: Add caching to TransactionGandler_GetDispatchData for next transaction queries [1947]
Fixed in Database: [OrderRelease_OrderConsolidated]: Check already consolidated due to ordertimeout in GUI [1946]
Fixed in Database: New [dbo].[System_GetPersonalPickstats_UserID] made for PostDK [1945]
Fixed in Database: [TransactionHandler_AcceptTransaction]: StoreDate bug fixed [1944]
Fixed in Database: Pick statistics: TransactionTypeID 21 (Quick Store via Gator) missing [1943]
Fixed in Database: [dbo].[OrderRelease_OrderConsolidated]: Log User and Workstation in Systemlog [1942]
Fixed in Database: [dbo].[ManualTransactions_Store]: Check Batchnumber is provided, when req. [1941]
Fixed in Database: ManualTransactions_Adjust: StoreDate bug fixed [1940]
Fixed in Database: GoodsReceptionHandler_AddTransaction_2: Syntax of RAISERROR(‘60065, …) adjusted [1939]
Fixed in Database: [FloatingBatchPick_PickIncrease] & [FloatingBatchPick_PickIncrease_2] looks at flag: AllowOverCorrectionPick [1938]
Fixed in Database: [dbo].[FloatingBatchPick_GetTransaction] & [dbo].[FloatingBatchPick_GetTransactions_WorkGroup]: Shows O.Description togehter with DelNoteNumber. ItemMisc1 set back from I.Description1 [1937]
Fixed in Database: Function [dbo].[f_GetField]: Must return Data when field is 1 and Data don’t has seperator in it. [1936]
Fixed in Database: Document_MakeOrderAcknowledge: Qty sign error when ordertypeID = 10 fixed. [1935]
Fixed in Database: Document_MakeDeliveryNote: Arg @WorkstaionName spelling error fixed [1934]
Fixed: Gator: Block OK button to prevent 2xclick in MoveLocation and Batchpick adjustemnts [1914]
Fixed in Database: Extra Group privileges [1913]
Build 2382 - 2021-04-27
Fixed: Goods Reception may hit the wrong order line when the table is sorted and articles searched by the search field. [1912]
Fixed: The Order Selection Window shows all columns when opend, regardless of the configured view [1911]
Fixed: Adding newest Synthetica version [1910]
Fixed: The TrayView calculation of pointer coordinates does not calculate correctly if the grid does not match the tray size [1908]
New: Change the pointer calculations for the Logimat SLL so it now uses the actually measured tray height instead of define tray height. [1907]
Fixed: Fix various issue with the Manual Transaction Configuration Menu [1906]
New: Support for database backup to FTP server [1905]
Fixed: Some of the buttons in the action menu/button in floating batch pick disappears [1904]
New: Storage manager load warning or busy cursor for lengthly operations. [208]
Fixed: Storage Manager cannot save excel files [1902]
New: REST API: Extended support for inspection (move articles in Shark for further inspection) [1900]
Fixed: Added new zonetypes: Quarantine & Scrap [1901]
Build 2376 - 2021-04-11
Fixed in Database: Add improved function (ft_SplitString) to split a delimited string on the database [1899]
Fixed in Database: [IX_Transactions_OrderlineID_StatusID] Added: INCLUDE ([Qty], [QtyDelivered]) and new index: [IX_Transactions_OrderlineID_LocationID_StatusID] [1898]
Fixed: [V_Orders_For_Consolidation]: New view to show orders for Consolidation [1897]
Fixed: [dbo].[f_GetOrderBoxes]: New function to show boxes on an order [1896]
Fixed: FloatingBatchPick_StartUniqueOrderline: New SP. Can be used from BatchPick with Groovy script and orderline labels [1895]
Fixed: TransactionHandler_TransferMoveOrder: Take care of transfering QI-OrderID if needed [1894]
Fixed: FloatingBatchPick_PickNextOrder_WorkGroup: Test box scanned is not a position. [1882]
Fixed: FloatingBatchPick_PickDecrease: Check for 2x called from Gator. User can press multiple times on button, when system is slow. [1881]
Fixed: FloatingBatchPick_AddBoxToOrder: Check box still on order not consolidated [1880]
Fixed: User info in Document_MakeDeliveryNote, Document_MakeParcelContentList [1879]
Fixed: Unused SP removed: Pda_GetOrder… [1878]
Build 2375 - 2021-04-07
New: Remote Lift key from the product keys so lift always is available [1877]
New: REST API: Support for passed/not passed when setting inspection [1875]
Fixed: Backorders bug: Not able to handle decimal numbers [1876]
Build 2371 - 2021-03-30
Fixed: Dispatcher client sometimes does not connect [1867]
Build 2370 - 2021-03-25
Fixed: It should be possible to reload the registry [1872]
Fixed: Crossdock: Only do CheckOrderStatus when all went OK. [1864]
Fixed: Gator: Godsreception. Default Qty not set correctly, when multiple orderlines found. [1873]
Fixed: Gator: Movelocation: Set cursor to Item, when mulitple items on location [1874]
Fixed: Move Gator to GWT 2.8.+ [873]
Fixed: shark_util does not address the jasper library version correctly [1871]
Fixed: Add support for use of JFormDesigners FlatLaf (Flat look and feel) [1870]
New: REST API: Improve error handling [1868]
Fixed: Show active pickcarts: Just show when it has remaining picks [1866]
Fixed: Bug: Order trigger must not fire OrderAcknowledgeData where confirmmode is 2 and 4 and order goes into OK [1865]
Fixed: More space for [Text] in table Debuglog [1863]
Fixed: Gator_ Move location. Better information about qty’s when repln. [1862]
New: Configuration of display scaling of batch pick window [1861]
Build 2369 - 2021-03-22
Fixed: Lift busy check should be moved to valueConfirmed of dispatcher [1858]
Fixed: Disable shark control busy test for simulated flowracks [1860]
Fixed: Scripting calls in the TransactionHandler classes should all be surrounded by try/catch [1859]
Fixed: HelpViewer doesn’t work [1856]
Fixed: The Dispatcher/Simulation dialog group in Workstation configuration is not used [1857]
Fixed: Pickcart: Order on Pickcart bug fix, when orderfield is hidden. New flag: ForceBoxNumberFocus(false) [1855]
Build 2368 - 2021-03-16
Fixed: Installer programs should be using Java 11 (64 bit) [1852]
Build 2367 - 2021-03-16
Fixed: Show buffer column in module is default true [1854]
Fixed: Validator: Don’t automatically require scan of batchnumber, when article has it set. Look at confirmation settings. [1853]
Build 2365 - 2021-03-15
Fixed: BatchPick: Do not check Automat is busy, when scanning a box [1851]
Fixed: Installation programs should have year incremented from 2020 to 2021 [1850]
Fixed: REST API: Stock counting orders requires qty to be set and not 0 [1842]
Build 2364 - 2021-03-11
Fixed: OrderHandler_RegisterSerialNumbers: Now supports 2D barcode with CRLF from Gator with fixed length and all Sno. staring with same 2 letters [1849]
Fixed in Database: Gator: Movebox to consolidation position will remove transactions from box in status 2 [1848]
Fixed: Gator: Registry flag to show Pickcart Tab. [1847]
Fixed: jasper reports libraries missing in build.gradle for shark.jar [1846]
Fixed: Consolidation autofind next order: Boxes must be on positions beginning with K, not KS [1845]
Fixed: _B tables should not be used any more [1844]
Fixed: Locationsequences improvements [1843]
New: Adding a Jasper report printer as a type of labelprinter [1821]
Fixed: Autoarchiving of finnished orders [1837]
Fixed: Frontpage stat: Express blink when showing active pickcarts [1841]
Fixed: RPCHandler should be able to identify DECIMAL fields with scale [1840]
Fixed: Lower the frequence of dispatcher disconnect messages sent to the ui status line [1839]
Fixed: References to CheckItemStatus should be removed and CheckItemStatus also [1838]
Fixed in Database: System_SetGeneralInfo_Extended: Bug when multiple locations [1836]
Build 2363 - 2021-02-24
Fixed: Fix display issue for floating batchpick [1835]
Build 2362 - 2021-02-23
Fixed in Database: SharkLink_SafeToCancelOrder: A canceled order is safe [1834]
Fixed: REST API: The inspection flag is not set correctly for new orders [1833]
New: REST API: Support for the inspection [1830]
New: Add some missing configuration parameters to the Floating Batch Pick Configuration panel [1832]
Build 2360 - 2021-02-19
Fixed in Database: Manualtransactions: Serilanumber dialogcan open multiple times bug. [1831]
Fixed: A bug in the TrayModule make problems for the old Logimats [1829]
Fixed in Database: [dbo].[OrderHandler_ConfirmSerialNumberManualTransactions]: Test for Empty value [1828]
Fixed in Database: Orderrelease Wise: Look at Disabled trays [1827]
Fixed in Database: Trigger: tr_Tray_WorkQueue rettet i forhold til default Gate = 1 [1826]
Fixed in Database: Missing stored procedures for handling shipment mappings [1825]
Build 2359 - 2021-02-16
Fixed in Database: ManualTransactions_GetItem: Extended to look at Itemnumbers and performance improved [1820]
Fixed in Database: AssignedFormElements BUG: rows was doubled in Data file [1824]
Fixed: Configuration menu for Floating Batch Pick has dublicated entry of MinLocationAddressAcceptLen [1823]
Build 2358 - 2021-02-16
Fixed: Reconnection times can sometimes be very high when Shark reconnects to the dispatcher after a restart [1822]
Fixed: ManualTransactions: 2 of 3 Bugs with loading Groovy Script fixed. [1819]
Fixed in Database: SharkLink_NewArticle: Import Multiple EANS into Itemnumbers, from argument @EAN [1818]
Fixed in Database: SharkLink_CancelOrderLine added (Used by Lindberg) [1817]
Fixed in Database: New index on table Itemnumbers [1816]
Build 2357 - 2021-02-12
Fixed: OrderDone: Re-enable old functionality: Scan Ordernumber to close window. [1815]
New: Add picking strategies to the configuration menus [1814]
Fixed: REST API: Remove support for batch number counting in inventorying orders [1813]
New: Add support for configuration of shipment codes (in consolidation configuration). [1812]
New: Update SHARK RESTAPI to 1.1.0 [1811]
Fixed in Database: Itemnumbers: Handle update when they do not have PacksizeID [1810]
Fixed: Add a global scanfield to replace the command manager [1800]
Fixed: Handling CommandManger in ManualOrder. Looks at useEAN128Interpretation [1801]
Build 2352 - 2021-01-17
New: Add support for shipment configuration [1793]
Build 2350 - 2021-01-14
Fixed: WeightUnit bug: 1000 g on a Kg, not 100 [1799]
Fixed: Missing SP in DB for BoxChange: FloatingBatchPick_IsBoxNumber [1798]
Build 2347 - 2021-01-14
Fixed: Removal of Deprected warnings due to java>=11 [1797]
Fixed: It should be possible to turn the command manager completely off [1796]
Build 2345 - 2021-01-14
Fixed: Dispatcher bug when changing boxnumber [1795]
Fixed: Add a rotated box to the tray template by using shift/add. This is required if the last free space should be filled with an rotated box. [1794]
Build 2343 - 2021-01-12
Fixed: 2021 splash screen update [1792]
Build 2338 - 2021-01-12
Fixed: Batchpickwindow: Showing Trolly Start/Stop not dependent on Logimate Option in licenskey. [1791]
Fixed: Bug in Gator when moving article to empty location. Oldest storedate er keept. Always use from Storedate [1790]
Fixed: Add Batch Number to OrderConfirmation setup. Change Validator [1789]
Fixed: Position of alert message does not fit resized window [1787]
New: Add Batch Number to the batch pick configuration menu [1786]
Build 2334 - 2021-01-07
Fixed: Pickcart reg.: Bug: Not possible to disable Storelabel and enable Picklabel, remove PutawayCart code [1788]
Fixed: Default value for Pickcart Print StoreBox set to False. [1785]
Fixed: Bug i [tr_Registry_U_1], som kan forhindre værdier i at blive opdateret. [1784]
New: Add Configuration Menu for general settings [1783]
New: Change the Article Browser so it is not required to press enter after entering package size data for an article [1782]
Fixed: Tray Template Editor does not save on rotate if the box is not moved [1781]
Fixed: GRANT SELECT ON location TO shark [1780]
Fixed: GRANT SELECT ON item TO shark [1779]
Fixed: Create demo warehouse [1179]
Fixed: Crossdock not working with Autorelease. [1778]
Fixed: Orderrelease : FEFO [1777]
Fixed in Database: SharkLink_NewOrderLine: BatchDate bug [1776]
Fixed: Shark Util WebSocket client does not close resources properly. [1775]
Fixed: DeleteTray must not remove tray and locations if tray has stock [1774]
New: Ignore Logimat SLL problems with reported trays. Both allows the Logimat to be used before it is actually configured and ignore not reported trays. [1773]
Fixed: Gator Store: Default qty value can be set in Registry. [1772]
Fixed: The SharkWebSocketClient doesn’t correctly handle the keep alive thread [1771]
Fixed: Article status after release bug, when more locations involved and last stock allocated [1769]
Fixed: OrderRelease: Bug in bestfit, when split over multiple location [1768]
Fixed: WCS: Support for Intertek scale integration [1752]
Fixed in Database: Gator: Move article - Show other locations bug. [1765]
Build 2332 - 2020-12-16
Fixed: Improve busy handling for Floating Batchpick when more than one logimat opening. [1764]
Fixed: TransactionHandlingWindowExtensions.groovy erronously place in dk.logiware.shark.transactions.floatingbatchpick [1763]
Fixed: After lable template reassignment printing could fail if a template with less arguments is used and the arguments were set to (none) for the previous template [1762]
Fixed: Use of TRY_CONVERT instead of CONVERT for BatchDate in Stored procedures [1761]
Fixed: SharkLink_NewOrderLine has BatchDate and Expiration defined as DATETIME. It should be VARCHAR(50) [1760]
Fixed: SharkLink_NewOrder doesn’t always handle DATE fields correctly [1759]
Fixed: BackorderStatus on released order bug. [1758]
Build 2331 - 2020-12-11
Fixed: REST API - Change error code for order-not-found to 250 [1757]
Build 2330 - 2020-12-11
Fixed: Gator: Consolidation: Now Possible to hide Collitype [1756]
Fixed: Manualtransations - LocationType dropdown: Just show existing LocationTypes [1755]
New: Shark Link RESTAPI support for webhook callbacks [1338]
Fixed: Printer related Tools_XXXX stored procedures fails during setup [1342]
Build 2156 - 2019-10-17
Fixed: All mailing operations should be using common configurated mailer defined in shark_util [1341]
Fixed: Redesign of printer label template dialog [1334]
Fixed in Database: Stored procedure incompatible with REST: Inventory_GetFilteredInventoryItems [1340]
New: The auto restart of the dispatcher is very slow and cannot be configured [1339]
Build 2151 - 2019-10-14
New: Shark Link RESTAPI support for jwt authentication [1337]
Build 9999 - 2019-10-14
New: Shark Link REST API with basic functionality (version 0.3). Allows Host Systems to use standard REST/json requests for order creation etc. [1288]
Build 2170 - 2019-10-02
New: Dublication of master data for multiple owners [1228]
Build 2149 - 2019-10-02
New: Automatic loading of Web Socket printer driver for the SHARK client [1330]
Fixed: Print subscription is not setup correctly for cloud event driven printing [1329]
New: Better error handling for the Document Label Printer [1328]
Fixed: Document Printers are not visible from Gator [1327]
Build 2148 - 2019-09-30
Fixed: Bug fixes for printing from the PDA using the Document System (SHARK Cloud WMS) [1326]
Build 2147 - 2019-09-25
Fixed: Installer needs to use jackson 2.9.9 [1325]
Build 2145 - 2019-09-25
Fixed: Order release: Order list did not load all orders when opening the window for the first time [1323]
Build 2144 - 2019-09-23
Fixed: Docker maintenance does not connect correctly to MongoDB cluster [1321]
Build 2143 - 2019-09-23
Fixed in Database: Database failure due to modified Order table where Order_B is not modified [1322]
Build 2153 - 2019-09-20
Fixed: SHARK WCS REST bug fixes [1320]
Build 2151 - 2019-09-19
Fixed: The shark_installer doesn’t correctly add new jar files if added to the files_cfg.yml file [1319]
New: Support for reservation of incoming goods to a specific outbound order [1270]
New: Support for KBS Pick-By-Light module PTF-3N-4 [1316]
Build 2142 - 2019-09-18
Fixed: Due to movement of splash screen startup, the dispatcher is initialized too soon. [1315]
Fixed: List view issues fixed [1314]
Build 2135 - 2019-09-12
Fixed: Tools menu should be moved to system menu [1313]
Build 2141 - 2019-09-11
Fixed: Problems with mixed jar libraries (jersey, jetty, swagger) [1312]
Build 2140 - 2019-09-11
Fixed: The MAC address detection used for [1311]
Build 2139 - 2019-09-10
Fixed: Splashpanel should be rearranged to be shown as soon as SHARK is started [1309]
Build 2138 - 2019-09-10
Fixed: Assign pick cart position from Goods Reception does not work [1310]
Build 2137 - 2019-09-10
Fixed: Font types and sizes for tables in article editor should be standard [1308]
Build 2136 - 2019-09-09
Fixed: Fix an issue with a missing jar library file (javax.xml.rpc) [1307]
Build 2135 - 2019-09-05
Fixed: [dbo].[tr_Documents_IU_1] trigger should only trigger on outbound documents [1305]
New: SHARK WCS REST improvements [1221]
Fixed: Better configuration of Logimat SLL Lift [303]
Fixed: Order registration: Autoprint Orderlabel(CONTEXT_PICK_CART_REGISTRATION) [1303]
Fixed: FloatingBatchPick_PickNextOrder_WorkGroup: Box is free, if no waiting trans. is on the box and if no order with consolidtion is on the box. (confirmmode=3) [1302]
Fixed: OrderSelection_AssignBox: Collation issue when server and Database uses differnet collations [1301]
Fixed: Orderrelease: showing orderlines are not working when window is re-opened [1300]
New: Goods reception: Set the focus to the qty field after scanning a GS1 barcode [1296]
Build 2134 - 2019-09-02
Fixed: OrderOK must handle confirmmode 3 correct when called from OrderConsolidated [1295]
Fixed: Missing libraries for the SHARK WCS Driver installation [1294]
Build 2133 - 2019-08-30
New: The order label in the Order Selection windows cannot print user name [1293]
Fixed: Confirming by KBS pick-by-light in Automats may generate an error (corrected qty wrong) [1292]
Build 2131 - 2019-08-28
Fixed: Script Editor is sometimes locked for editing [1287]
Fixed: SharkWebSocketClient does not correctly setup SSL communication [1291]
Fixed in Database: Tools_CreateDemo1 sp creates Zones with Prefix ‘0’ [1283]
Fixed: Article editor opened from other contexts did not always show the correct article [1282]
Build 2130 - 2019-08-28
Fixed: Events table on common database have changed and is now falsely referenced in the main database [1281]
Fixed: Article editor opened from other dialog, must load locations etc. for selected item [1280]
Fixed: Batchpick add and change box during pick possible. [1279]
New: List view scheme added for Manual transaction - Article select dialog [1278]
Build 2129 - 2019-08-27
Fixed: Scheduler should be able to respond to external websocket events [1252]
Build issue_1252_2128 - 2019-08-26
Fixed: Dispatcher looks for GeneralEvents every 500ms as standard [1277]
New: Support for scanning GS1 barcodes in Goods Reception [1275]
New: Support for setting batch number from script in goods reception [1274]
Build issue_1252_2125 - 2019-08-21
Fixed: SharkLinkTemplateFileImporter locks up after importing a few lines [1267]
New: Order labels in the Order Selection window only supports a few of the available template parameters [1273]
Build issue_1252_2123 - 2019-08-21
Fixed: WSTelegramTest fails on 3 tests [1272]
Fixed: WebSocket URL is wrong when using https [1271]
Fixed: library reference missing in build.gradle of shark_model [1269]
Fixed: Illegal use of restricted API [1268]
Fixed: The general script editor has some times the edit window disabled for input [1257]
Build 2120 - 2019-08-20
Fixed: GoodsReceptionHandler_TestTargetLocation_PDA doesn’t evaluate TransactionStatusID and OrderType [1266]
Fixed in Database: Batch number on location is shown as NUMBER#DATE in Article Editor [1265]
Fixed: Goods Reception window does not fit in 1024x768 [1165]
New: Setting added for main window to appear in non-fullscreen [1250]
Fixed: Dialog size could be saved with empty window identifier [1261]
Fixed: Client looses the Dispatcher connection due to mismatch of real modules and the workstation list of controlled modules [1181]
Fixed: Box selection in Tray Editor might fail when using lower resolutions or scaled down tray views [1192]
Fixed: Logimat SLL Setting Pointer in opening 2 fails [1191]
Fixed in Database: @TraylocationC & R must be varchar(10) [1189]
Build 2055 - 2019-06-03
Fixed: “Show article” from ordrerelease don’t clear previous selections, hence the search don’t work. [1188]
Build 2049 - 2019-05-29
Fixed in Database: SharkLink_AddOrderLine fails when closing the order [1186]
Fixed: New databaseInstance field in shark_cfg.yml should be defaulted to “” (empty string) and not null [1180]
Fixed: Error in the registry entry for the HelpURL [1184]
Fixed: Unfinished pick-by-light functions in the Zone Configuration Panel [1182]
Build 2048 - 2019-05-24
Fixed: Logimat SLL support for handling reshuffle mode [1176]
Build 2046 - 2019-05-22
Fixed: the rpc handler shoukd be able to read a folder name to be used as path to the config file [1175]
Fixed: Closing the Goods Height Changed dialog for Logimats with two openings [175]
Fixed: Fix a problem with template based order import using the REST database interface [1173]
Fixed: Search in ItemEditor is not working with long product names. [1172]
Build 2045 - 2019-05-21
New: Add correct States to the Automat Simulator [1170]
New: List View Manager: Workstation list views can be exported and imported as XML [1166]
Fixed: Make the File Importer automatically detect codes page at XML import and support BOM Markers in XML files. [1164]
New: Support for silent installations [1151]
Fixed: List view manager: GUI frozen after restoring factory settings [1162]
Fixed: Create Dummy item with ItemID = 0 [1159]
Fixed: Installer should be able to do trusted logins on SQL Server [1158]
Fixed: FloatingBatchPick in work changed [1156]
Fixed: The shark loader doesn’t evaluate instance name in the shark_cfg.yml file if changed [1155]
Fixed: Bug in FloatingBatchPick_DeleteWorkingOrder. Not logging correct information. [1154]
Fixed: AppFolder not set correct in client installer [1152]
Build 2037 - 2019-05-05
Fixed: Titel and naming of client installer should be read from installer file name [1150]
Build 2036 - 2019-05-03
Fixed: System.out replaced by logger statements [1148]
Fixed: Support for single module dispatch when using individual location patterns [1146]
Fixed: Lock protection of currentTransaction in TransactionController [1147]
Fixed: Database deadlock problem caused by tr_Modules_U_WorkQueue [1143]
Fixed: DeviceServer menu can not be seen when WCS…BUG [1141]
Fixed: Cleanup in TransactionControllerXXX concerning use of invokeLater and setting focus in the Floating Batch Pick window [1140]
Fixed: Adding an additional shutdown hook in shark to ensure the dispatcher is disconnected even if client locks are not used [1138]
Fixed: Adding a time window in the dispatchers dispatchWindowEvents to prevent random open/close alternation [1137]
Fixed in Database: Two new indexes [1135]
New: List views added for order release, order selection, goods reception and transaction log. Sorting can be disabled. List view manager added to config window. [1134]
Fixed: The Work Planner cannot be opened [1131]
Fixed: Remove code that uses OrderRelease_Create_OrderReleaseData [1133]
Fixed: Adding demo web page to the documentation [1130]
Fixed in Database: Create new usergroup: missing GroupPrivileges [850]
Fixed in Database: Constraint PackageSize > 0 [849]
Fixed in Database: Constraint User groups unique [848]
New: Shark Control events for tray at elevator and tray returned to rack [847]
Fixed: Get Available Locations: Wrong when Batch product with no Batchno on orderlines [846]
New: WCS support for displaying disabled modules in the module list [840]
Fixed: GROOVY_CSV_IMPORTER script improved [844]
Build stable_1637 - 2018-04-25
Fixed in Database: Alternative Loc. “the old way” Clean up allocated- more bugs fixed. [839]
Fixed: The configuration menu for the WCS file importer does not update the Registry correctly [838]
Fixed: Changes to the SHARK database to make it Amazon RDS compatible [837]
Fixed: The WCS Driver automat window is not working properly [809]
Fixed: SHARK WCS UI does not work correctly when connection to a remote Shark Control service [819]
New: Improve scripting in Floating Batch pick window [835]
Fixed: The Order Import property dialog does not handle the XSLT Script Editor correctly [833]
Fixed: SHARK WCS UI - various minor bugs [820]
Fixed in Database: Default for dbo.LocationStrategy in SP Init is missing [831]
Fixed in Database: Inventory: Paper reports, sorting bug [830]
New: Support for pointer in the Shark Control Automat Simulator [825]
New: Support for column selection in the Goods Reception Window [821]
Fixed: ModulePanel bug. Hiding coulmns [828]
Fixed: Print ItemLabel, adding Misc fields etc. [827]
New: WCS DRIVER password protection [812]
Fixed: Shark Control cannot be loaded embedded from dispatcher due to classloader error [823]
Build stable_1634 - 2018-03-07
Fixed: Order Release Window - Right click menu on orders does not work [822]
Fixed: Shark Control Tray Module stores the wrong position [818]
Fixed: Test 20120301 Mogens [817]
New: Support for storing the changes to the table column dialog (upper right corner of SharkTable) [815]
Build stable_1634 - 2018-02-23
Fixed: Various minor bug fixes for installation and operation of the new WCS Driver [806]
Fixed: Test med Bent [803]
New: Shark Control supporting to run stand-alone without a database [799]
Fixed: Alternative Loc. “the old way” Clean up allocated.. [788]
New: Support for printing picking list from Pick Cart registration using standard label printer [801]
New: Support for using the Shark Registry without a database [777]
Build 1633 - 2018-02-08
Fixed: ArticleEditor must use GroupPrivileges [800]
New: Support in KBS PickByLight for running without CRC checking [692]
Fixed: OrderRelease Recalorder must use AllowBackorderFlag [798]
Build 1631 - 2018-01-24
Fixed: Bug in LeanLift module reading status [93]
Fixed: Wrong swedish translations in order adjustment dialog [792]
Build 1630 - 2018-01-24
Fixed: XML to ASCII xslt changes to be in accordance with documentation [91]
Fixed in Database: Document_MakeOrderAcknowledge & Document_MakeOrderLineAcknowledge [90]
Build 1629 - 2018-01-17
Fixed: GroupPrivileges table is not imported on setup [787]
Build 1626 - 2018-01-12
Fixed: Serialnumber registration does not work in Gator inbound process [783]
Build 1623 - 2018-01-04
Fixed: Manual transactions button is deactivated when manual transactions cannot be used [780]
Fixed: Bug while setting Replenishment-Strategy in Article Editor and Repl. Wizard. [779]
New: Extract user documentation to the Shark distribution [776]
New: Add integration_test folder to shark_rpchandler for future test [775]
Fixed: LogimatOmron6 may loose trays during initialization [594]
Fixed: Host Interface XML editor from Web Start does not work. [759]
Fixed: Workstation setup panel displayed null values if workstation had not been signed in yet [774]
Fixed: Order Settings -> Host Interface does not save the selected type selection when this is changed and Setup button is not activated [771]
Build 1619 - 2017-12-15
Fixed: If imported article doesn’t include LocationStrategy, the system doesn’t use the default selected!!! [747]
New: Add more test cases to the Shark Link XML importer [767]
Fixed: Registry class uses Groovy StringUtils class [766]
Fixed: Unit testing for Goods Reception Handler [762]
Fixed: Wrong Dispatch, when accepting Serialnumbers. [765]
Fixed: Tray template editor implemented for shelves and the GUI is tightened up [764]
Fixed: NullPointerExceptions that comes through the standard exception error dialog is shown as a stack trace [763]
Fixed in Database: If two transactions are picked from the same location and the first is shown on the screen the second one might override when added [761]
Fixed: Adjustments (decreases) on Floating BatchPick should return ordertypeid 17 instead of 10 [760]
New in Database: Order Type Name can only be 15 characters. Should be 50 [758]
Build 1617 - 2017-12-03
Fixed: The Transaction log does not show anything although the table contains data [757]
Fixed: Location Quantities dialog cannot be opened from Goods Reception ‘Enter data’ dialog when a line is received [754]
Build 1616 - 2017-12-02
Fixed: LocationStrategy is not maintained correctly for LogiSoft Enterprise on the Replenishment table in the article editor [753]
Build 1615 - 2017-12-02
Fixed: Order editor only saves changes when the Update button is selected [752]
Fixed: Tray template box type list only shows the boxes where the height does not exceed the height of the template [751]
Fixed: If a stored procedure does not exist in the database, an error message is displayed in a dialog (Client) or log (Services) [750]
Fixed: Transactionlog: Show all data, when search criterias are used. [748]
Fixed: Errorlog: Show 100000 rows of data, when search criterias are used. [749]
Fixed: Module tray configuration table shows which trays are in use and the template of these cannot be changed [746]
Fixed: Zone label in the main window was not set correctly [745]
Fixed: Workstation configuration panel displays the current SHARKControl setting as information [744]
Build 1612 - 2017-11-29
Fixed: InfoHandler under WebServer.Applications.InfoHandler.Enabled should be enabled by default [742]
Fixed: gradle files must be updated to support upcoming releases [741]
Fixed: Slashes do get get appended to order number on Orderhandler_FindOrder_OrderNumber if DeliveryNoteNumber is ‘’ (empty string) [740]
Build 1611 - 2017-11-27
Fixed: Orderselection: Select order choose wrong orderlines, when filter is used. [739]
Fixed: Change initials in Table Users to NVARCHAR [735]
Fixed: The config module panel doesn’t open on a newly added module on a new installation [737]
Build 1610 - 2017-11-24
Fixed: Adding doc comments (MS_Description) to database [736]
Fixed: Refresh OrderRelease tables when returning from OrderEditor [734]
Build 1607 - 2017-11-24
Fixed: Floating batchpick window lost focus in confirm text field when scanning position codes [733]
Fixed: Order Registration dialog now only displays orders with status “Waiting” or “Partially picked” [731]
Fixed: Order Registration dialog also have OK and Cancel buttons to ensure easier operation from touch screen [732]
Fixed: XML Import must Parse BatchDate with Pattern [729]
Fixed: The LogimatSLL with DualMode sometimes stop getting trays [728]
Build 1606 - 2017-11-23
Fixed: Order Registration dialog can now show available pick orders in a combo [725]
Fixed: Location quantities wizard shows the box types so that they are readable [724]
Fixed: Scheduler job setup no longer creates entries for jobs that are not configured [723]
Fixed: Tray template editor moved to the module setup under System Configuration [722]
Fixed: Goodsreception with DelNote bug from Orderselection [721]
Fixed: Show DeliveryNoteNumber combined with Ordernumber [720]
Fixed in Database: Possible problem with FIFO goods reception and the “rank” function [718]
Fixed: Distribute evenly between modules in goodsreception [719]
Fixed: Manual transactions: Search for all articles returned empty result [716]
Fixed: Replenishment location quantities dialog uses zone relation based on call context [715]
Fixed: Floating Batchpick: ConfirmKey replaced by LogimatModuleName [714]
Fixed: Workstation configuration: Zone controller table is updated [713]
Fixed: LogiSoft setup wizard tested and fixed. Default paths now use the home folder [711]
Fixed: Scheduler jobs from configuration panel tested and fixed. Stock Report job added. [710]
New: Change the directory path in the Java Manifest from back slash to forward slash [708]
Fixed: Small fixes based on Truck and Trailer update [152]
Fixed: JIDE Bug after update to 3.6 - Cannot edit the Registry [53]
Build 1235 - 2015-01-16
New: Display a warning when creating a zone controller using the New PC Wizard. [148]
Fixed: LocationStrategy is not set from System Settings [150]
Fixed: 2 reports missing under Report menu [149]
New: Keep the FTP connection open for multiple file transfers [147]
Fixed: Swingx og swinlayout in new versions must be added to installation [146]
Build 1233 - 2015-01-13
Fixed: FTP error. Trying to send files even the FTP connection open failed. [142]
New: Changes to gator in order to correctly use the display of android devices [143]
Fixed in Database: Replenishment ABC for articles is not always calculated correctly [141]
New: Implementation of buffer and multiple locations on assigning locations [132]
Fixed: FTP License problem. Missing configuration of license for 3th part software library. [134]
Fixed: Java update to version 7.71 [133]
Build 1221 - 2014-12-19
Fixed: Aisles & Modules can be created at individual levels [131]
Build 1220 - 2014-12-18
New: Client locking now defaults to false [130]
Build 1218 - 2014-12-18
Fixed: Stored Procedure cleanup and renaming [129]
Fixed: absolute URL’s in info.html [128]
Fixed: Data in CodePages Missing [127]
New: Add support for old-style LogimatOmron module to Shark Control. The module is called LogimatOmronSimple and does not expect any response from the PLC. [67]
Build 9999 - 2014-12-18
Fixed: Manual Transaction tray layout is not updated when a box is deleted, it remains visible until another tray is fetched. [123]
Fixed: Force binary transfer for FTP - Some files types are treated as ASCII files with an unwanted linefeed conversion as result. [125]
Fixed: Shark Link FTP Receiver does not always close the connection properly [119]
Build 1215 - 2014-12-16
Fixed: New WebServer and GatorDispath uses Context for the URL [121]
Build 1206 - 2014-12-16
Fixed: Tablemodels must be changed to support new swingx version [118]
New: Shark Link Receiver with Groovy support. This allows scripting of xml to other-format conversions (ASCII, WebServices, ..) [114]
Fixed: Shark Link support for SFTP [104]
Build 1203 - 2014-12-10
Fixed: Implentation of Extra Colors on KBS light in Dispatcher [110]
Build 1201 - 2014-12-09
New: Improving Logimat Pointer calibration when tray is tilted. Tray height adjustment is also supported. [27]
New: Add support for Czech language [99]
Build 1199 - 2014-12-04
Fixed: No tray lock message is shown when a tray is fetched and the stub module is on [103]
Build 1197 - 2014-12-03
Fixed: WorkgroupPage.workgroup resiurce not found [100]
Build 1196 - 2014-12-03
Fixed: Table Inventory status text, data is missing in the database [98]
Build 1191 - 2014-11-28
Fixed: Uses a false minimum when lift height is set outside the valid range [92]
Fixed: Resources for WorkStationSetup - Workgroup. Workgroup test is falsely set to zone [96]
Fixed in Database: SharkLink_OrderReady fails on first ordrer import [95]
New: PickByLight Moduel: Support for controlling the KBS lamp color. Will be used to indicate last pick to box. [94]
Fixed: Database Init method and OrderType [89]
Fixed: inforServlet extended to take arguments for stored procedures [87]
Build 1189 - 2014-11-21
Fixed: CSV xslt lacks ordertypes for manual transactions [86]
Fixed: Out folder named twice in OutFolder key in Scheduler setup [85]
Build 1188 - 2014-11-21
New: Add support for DocType in Document System filenames. Allows the exported file name to include to Document Type. [81]
Fixed: Settings in Registry and Ordertypes not set correctly for ASCII Files when the InitWizard runs [82]
Fixed in Database: Missing stored procedure WebInfo_GetZones [80]
Build 1185 - 2014-11-19
Fixed in Database: BoxType tabel is seeded from BoxTypeID=0 [79]
Build 1184 - 2014-11-19
Fixed in Database: Missing parameter in FloatingBatchPick_PickDecrease [75]
Fixed: On IHO machines shark control writes incorect ETA in some situations [78]
Fixed: Pointer bugs at AIM (CompactLift light bar) [76]
Fixed: images files not includes in build in shark_reporting.jar [74]
Build 1182 - 2014-11-17
Fixed: Minor modifications to RESTHandler [72]
Build 1180 - 2014-11-12
Fixed: Lift height limits should be read from Registry [70]
Fixed: Removing Cordes & Graefe Lens Notfall menu [69]
Build 1179 - 2014-11-12
Fixed: Display of active LogiMat in Floating Batchpick [68]
New in Database: Add support for replenishment orders as standard feature [66]
Build 1178 - 2014-11-11
Fixed: Remove update related fields and controls in Databrowser [65]
Build 1177 - 2014-11-10
Fixed: Install script should create Log4J files with correct log path [64]
Build 1177 - 2014-11-08
Fixed: Log4JSetup has an error when Log4J Path is not overriden with -D argument [62]
Build 1175 - 2014-11-07
Fixed: Log4J setup in shark_common mist be changed to accomodate the new service loader [61]
Fixed: Use new SharkWebServer from master_20141010 [58]
Build 1173_moo - 2014-11-03
Fixed: jar files not copied to jws\bin folder for web start installation [57]
Fixed: New library jars not signed for web start [56]
Build 9999.1134_moo - 2014-11-02
New: Add RestHandlerServlet from maste_20141010 [54]
Build 9999.1133_sos - 2014-11-02
New: Updating the JIDE library files [43]
New: Separate automat config panel for Module Configuration. [41]
New: Adding slovak translation [44]
New: Key for demo mode. Allows demonstration and training with a standard demo key that only works with simulated Logimats. [3]
Build 1068.1110_sos - 2014-10-15
Fixed: Further changes to setup factory script [34]
Fixed: Patherror in setupscript [32]
Fixed: Install script changes [31]
Fixed: Improvements for Setup factory script [28]
Build 1068.1104_moo - 2014-10-09
Fixed: Testing and bug fixes of the installation program [24]
Build 1068.1108_sos - 2014-10-08
Fixed: The check of multiple start of Shark does not work on MAC [26]
Build 1068.1099_moo - 2014-09-30
Fixed: The Watchdog reads a wrong date format. [13]